Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Anders Underhaug

Anders Underhaug

Fruity Cheerios

Fruity Cheerios is a serial produced by Mills. It contains canola oil. In the 70´s Canadians bred a new variety of a plant called «rapeseed». The reason why they had to temper with it was because the plant was know to be toxic. Using genetic modification scientists removed the «bad» parts from the plant and gave it a new name; Canola oil. The plant has been genetically modified since 1998 and «canola oil» is known to be one of the many ingredients in Cheerios products.

The genetically modified version of rapeseed is referred to as «Rapeseed 00».
Monsanto is a company that genetically modifies corn, soybean, cottons and vegetables etc.
They produce canola oil for Cheerios.

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