Sunday, November 18, 2012

Teran Faust

Teran Faust
HW #4

Waiter, There’s a Gene In My Soup

Who new I started each day off with a genetically modified food product?  I didn’t, but now I know that a good population of the U.S. does as well.  Monsanto is a GMO company that provides corn and other genetically modified crops to a mass of popular food companies such as Kellogg’s, Kraft, Frito-Lays, Quaker, and many more.  Monsanto’s corn and soybeans have been known to be GMO crops, and these are found in most of these popular cereal and snack food companies.  A cereal that I eat often is Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, whose corn ingredient comes from Monsanto.  The nutrition label on the box says that the “corn used in this product contains traces of soybeans,” meaning that it contains a little bit of the GMO soybeans from Monsanto in addition to the corn.  I never knew the corn ingredient to my cereal was genetically modified, but apparently most of the cereals I’ve eaten in my life have contained a GMO.


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