Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dega Gebre

Dega Gebre

Soc. 166

Waiter, There’s a Gene In My Soup

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) are food products that are for human consumption which have been modified to enhance desired traits within certain products. GMO’s used to be modified by hybridization with other plants, to reach the desired outcome for that specific plant. However, recent technology advances have allowed for genetics to play an integral part in modifying the genes of the plants. By incorporating genetic engineering, plant traits that are specifically wanted, can more accurately be modified. 

The benefits of GMO’s are great, as are their downfalls. Benefits of GMO’s include:
-Enhanced taste and quality
-Less time to reach full ripeness.
-Increased nutrients and resistance to pests and herbicides.

Downfalls of GMO’s include:
-Human health effects and other unknown factors due to lack of research
-Potential environmental impact and loss of biodiversity
-Disturbing the natural cycle for organisms in the environment

One product of our everyday lives that we consume, which has been genetically modified is Wesson’s Canola Oil, the company being ConAgra. Canola oil is used to for a variety of different things, namely cooking. It is developed from the rapeseed plant, which is part of the mustard family of plants. The rapeseed plant is the genetically modified ingredient within canola oil which is hazardous when consumed by humans. The Monsato Company genetically modified rapeseed to be resistant to the effects of herbicides, such as Roundup, for use by farmers.

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