Anders Underhaug
cell electronics charger
cell electionics chargers are small mobile cell phone and mp3 chargers. These
work as a supplement to original chargers that needs electricity output.
can be an alternative to original chargers if you are fare away from
civilization or if you just want to be able to charge your electronic device
chargers fit almost any kind of small electronic device that uses an ordinairy
USB-cable. The charger is small and light and can be used places where there is
no electricity.
your battery is dead, this can be used as an emergency charger and could
possibly save lives.
think this product or a similar product will be adopted by many people, but not
expected or unexpected survival situations this can be used as an emergency
charger for a cellphone to call for help, or a GPS to find your current
location. That is why I think this charger will be adopted by people who love
the outdoors, and people who just have
a general interest for gadgets.
Link to Website:
Relative Advantage:
You do not need access to electricity, it is charged by the sun
The charger is relatively small, but might be a bit big for
You can use both a cigarette and a USB-wire. This makes it
useable for most of the new phones, but useless for older models.
The charger fits most products that are compatible with USB.
It is charged by sunlight which is a plus if it´s sunny, but can
be a problem if it is clouded. Charging at night is not possible.
Some of the chargers have built-in batteries which makes it
possible to charge your
battery, save the power and save it for another time.
It is also more «eco-friendly» than an ordinairy charger.
This phone charger is not for everyone. If you are very
passionate about the outdoors, like hiking or just beeing «eco-friendly» this
charger might be something for you.
In my opinion it looks a little «dorky», but it might be a hit
with people who are in to gadgets.
If you´re going hiking and get lost, this charger might improve
your chanses of survival. You get the feeling that this could be quite useful
if you get lost and your cellphone battery dies.
The charger seems to be very easy to use and understand. Plug in
your cellphone og Mp3-player and start charging.
It is quite easy for a salesman to demonstrate to a customer how
the charger works. One can just go outside the store and plug it into a
cellphone as long as it´s sunny outside. Even it the weather is not optimal,
the customer will still get a picture of how it works.
These chargers are not just limited to cellphones, but can also
be used to similar USB-charged products like e-readers, Mp3-players and GPS.
As long as new electronic products can be charged using a
USB-wire, this charger will be useful. The solar cell products can easily be
changed and modified for different purposes.
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