Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Borje Skaar Zombie Kit


  1. Dear Borje,

    Unfortunately, I have found your kit to be the least capable of supporting survival for a year in the ruins of the bay area in our group. For one, you have seemed to forget to carry a 3 day supply of food (assignment requirement). In addition, it seems you have left out any cooking pots and pans for food you may find. Lastly, you do have shelter, but you have failed to include any tools that would greatly assist in making shelters other than the tent which can be easily ramsacked by zombies. My forecast is not too positive for you unfortunately. Best of luck surviving!

    Your fellow human,

    Michael Kirkilevich

  2. Dear Borje,

    It seems to be that I, as well, believe you will have a tough time surviving for a year in the zombie wasteland. I agree with your lack of food and cooking utensils, and additionally I don't see any real tools for survival besides the swiss army knife. On the plus side I think it's smart you included a red-cross handbook for first aid because it's important to keep yourself safe when dealing with injuries, and it's interesting that you deemed "50 Shades of Grey" an essential item to take with you and assume you will only be using that as a means to start fires with. (just kidding of course). I hope you can prove me wrong!

    Meryl "Masha" Lazer

  3. Hey Børje.

    It would seem that Masha and Micheal are right at the fact that you have forgot a couple of essential items, and the lack of food is the most important thing you forgot. I am truly sorry, but i do belive you don't stand much chance against teh zombies.

    But i wish you good luck!

    Henrik Sektnan Andersen

  4. Dear Børje.
    I agree with Masha, Michael and Henrik too. It was a close call between you and Darold with the dining table sized solar panel. No emergency food, cooking utensils or manly tools makes you an easy target. Nice touch with the mask and your choice of literature though!

    Mads Waatland Jakobsen.

  5. Dear Børje.
    I agree with Masha, Michael, Henrik and Mads.
    Sorry dude!

    Per Andreas Ramberg.
