Thursday, September 20, 2012

Michael Kirkilevich

Michael Kirkilevich                                                                         Sociology 166

9.21.2012                                                                                          Dr. King


Product: Leap Motion, a motion sensing device. Includes the sensor and a cd for software installation to be placed in compatible computers.


A video on the technology:

Relative Advantage: 
This technology allows for computer users to interact with their monitors on a level none like before. It gives the user a basically virtual touch screen, in 3D capabilities to boot, allowing the user to interact with his computer on a whole new level as opposed to the standard computer-keyboard/mouse setup. By the motion of a finger (up to 10), this device can sense the movement and relay it back onto the computer through a complex software, allowing you to use it on software within your computer. Efficiency is probably capable through this device, but it is not apparent how long it can take to see results. It will probably be adapted at a slow rate, because although this cool and unique and could be advantageous in the future, it would be considered a luxury item and also there is a learning curve in using this product over today's technology. It is basically taking the “kinect” and “move” systems and placing them onto the computer interface.

The results of the technology are instant, as you can see the abilities it offers on your computer. Yet how practical this technology is probably will come down to preference and also through a trial phase due to learning and adaptation time required in using it.

They offer a demo version of this product for users to try out, and also Im sure stores will be offering users the ability to check it out and try the technology out for themselves, so it has positive aspects here.

 This technology is definitely compatible with our society and social system today. With many motion sensing devices and products out in the market, like the xbox's “kinect” or playstation 3's “move”, sensing technology is alive and well. This basically just up notches the abilities the sensing technology can take on, now with “leap motion” it creates computer compatibility. People are always trying to find the new best thing, or a more efficient way to do work, and this product seems to give the mind a whirl into infinite new possibilites capable through it.

It is not for the technologically inept individuals as there is some software installation and use of techy devices which involve setup, but anyone familiar with and have a basic understanding of computers should be able to use it, maybe not too its full capacity though.

The technology is basically limited to the computer abilities it gives, but the amount of things the technology can do is infinite because software can always be updated and upgraded and things around it can be made compatiable with it. If they open an app store for leap motion, it will give users the ability to interact with a multitude of programs, either user submitted or not, on the computer unlike before. It cant be used in much more ways than that, but people will buy it for the use it provides rather than try to reinvent it, because for $70 it does a lot for what its worth.

To my expertise and opinion, I believe this device will be selected, but will only appeal to middle-upper class citizens looking to have more fun on their computer, kind of like getting a tablet when you have a computer; its nice to have but usually not entirely essential. The Leap motion is a very innovative technology that brings in new capabilities and functions, with limitless new possibilities. Although that being said, in my opinion I believe it to be for now more of an luxury type of item, yet I can see numerous advantages of this product if other stuff around it develops to better optimize the leap motion's abilities. All in all, I see it being adopted eventually, and becoming a very popular gadget.

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